Definicja media relations – relacji z mediami.
Zebrane cytaty.
- Relacje z mediami to utrzymywanie stałych kontaktów ze środkami masowego przekazu (konferencje prasowe, briefingi, informacje prasowe itp.).
- Media Relations, czyli tzw. relacje z mediami, to budowanie i utrzymywanie dobrych, pozytywnych oraz korzystnych dla obu stron relacji przedsiębiorstwa z mediami. Zdaniem J. Olędzkiego głównym celem relacji z mediami jest „ukształtowanie więzi z dziennikarzami w taki sposób, aby możliwe stało się skuteczne przekazywanie za ich pomocą informacji do grup docelowych”. Głównym założeniem relacji na linii rzecznik prasowy – dziennikarz jest obustronna korzyść: dla rzecznika wzmianka prasowa o instytucji, którą reprezentuje, a dla dziennikarza gotowy do publikacji materiał (J. Olędzki 2002).
Za: Encyklopedia Zarządzania,
- Media relations is the building of cordial, ongoing relationships with journalists, editors, and bloggers who cover your organization or industry.
It’s a major activity in public relations work. Although public relations work now includes many other functions—such as reputation man- agement, communications strategy, community relations, and even crisis management—most surveys show that public relations personnel in organizations and public relations firms spend a large percentage of their time on media relations.
Za: Public Relations Writing and Media Techniques: Dennis L. Wilcox, Bryan H. Reber
Media relation – o co w tym chodzi?
- Eksperci PR nie zastępują dziennikarzy w poszukiwaniu istotnych treści, ale prezentują punkt widzenia swoich firm i instytucji (klientów). Zazwyczaj to PR-owcy najlepiej rozumieją i prowadzą relacje z mediami.
- Aktywnie poszukują tych relacji i pielęgnuję je. W Polsce w spisie zawodów według klasyfikacji CEIDG (to obowiązkowa deklaracja obszaru usług, jakie określa przedsiębiorca), public relations jest określony jako „stosunki międzyludzkie”. Więc udana współpraca z mediami to sztuka utrzymywania media relacji (z ang. media relations).
- Na sekret udanych media relations składa się odpowiednia wiedza, znajomość wybranej tematyki (branży) oraz szereg cech osobistych jak komunikatywność, empatia, wysoki ton ludzki i słowność.
- Miejscem realizacji media relations jest zazwyczaj tzw. biuro prasowe. Rolą biura jest dostarczenie cennych informacji z punktu widzenia mediów, rynku i zapotrzebowania odbiorców. Dziennikarze otrzymują dostęp do nowych informacji, a aktorzy rynku PR są zadowoleni z faktu, że ich informacja dociera do opinii publicznej np. przez artykuł, wywiad czy wydarzenie.
Za: Łukasz Zając
- Media relations is described as the practitioner’s relationship with the editors and reporters of the mass media that function as communication channels directly to the organization’s stakeholders. These placements in the news media are prized for two reasons.
- First, these types of news media placements (news stories, features, editorials, etc.) are viewed as more trusted information sources by readers, viewers, and listeners. The audience assumes a trusted and credible journalist has done independent research. The resulting story, which may include an organization’s name and positive information about the organization, sounds more credible because it has been filtered and deemed newsworthy by a journalist and editor. This outside recognition is called third-party endorsement.
- Second, unlike advertising, the information placement is free when included in a news story. Depending on the publication’s circulation or audience reach, this could produce significant return on investment.
The emphasis on relationship building with journalists is important because the practitioner often works hard to create a positive rapport with the key beat reporters and editors likely to make decisions on editorial content. Editors function as gate-keepers, sifting through hundreds of news releases and calls weekly from organizations eager for media coverage.
Public relations practitioners who understand the challenges faced by journalists today can package newsworthy material in the accepted news format, are accessible to journalists on deadline, and are professional in their interactions will likely experience more success in their news media efforts.
Za: Cases in Public Relations Management. The Rise of Social Media and Activism. Second Edition, Patricia Swann
- Effective media relations depends on your credibility and the media having trust in what you say. Credibility and trust are your two most important assets as a communicator. Once they are gone, they are difficult, if not impossible, to rebuild.
Telling the truth will pay long-term dividends in terms of building credibility and trust. However, this does not mean you have to bare your or your organization’s soul. You and your company have the right to maintain certain information as proprietary.
Those who achieve their goals with the media do not engage in “spin,” however tempting it is to paint a rosy picture based on facts that are actually mixed and more nuanced. Tell the truth and recognize that success in working with the media is a long-term game, versus simply trying to manage one story. There will be other stories.
Za: The Public Relations Handbook, Robert L. Dilenschneider
- Newsmaking
Strangely enough, newsmaking is the element that most PR firms aren’t good at. Most people think it’s who you know, but it’s not who you know but how you create newsmaking elements, which requires a broader and deeper understanding of what makes a good news story. Here’s the irony: You can study this every day when you watch the daily news. Concepts don’t get media coverage simply because you want them to, and they don’t get broad-scale coverage because of “good contacts” in the media. Basically, a PR concept gets coverage because some part of that concept makes it newsworthy.
What makes an element newsworthy? Well, the answer can involve many factors. Some people, such as Bill Gates, make news just because of who they are. But for the majority of PR tactics, you need to add a variety of spices to the stew in order to make the tactic of interest to the media. The number-one spice is emotion: A newsworthy element is effective if it makes people happy, makes them laugh, allows them to channel their anger, or appeals to their personal greed or concerns about home, family, and career.
Za: Public Relations for Dummies, Second edition, by Eric Yaverbaum with Robert Bly and Ilise Benun, Foreword by Richard Kirshenbaum
- Today, government public affairs work includes many functions such as messaging and speechwriting, strategic planning, event management, image sculpting, and of course crisis communication. But in most offices, media relations remains the number one activity performed by the com- munications team. It is imperative that those working in any public administration capacity have an understanding of the news media’s abil- ity to influence public perceptions, attitudes and behaviors, for better or worse. Media relations is also often an “all hands on deck” function that involves input and participation from various other offices within the organization.
- Media relations has been defined as “the systematic, planned, purposeful and mutually beneficial relationship between a public relations practitio- ner and a mass media journalist” (Supa, 2014). It involves the juncture between two very different types of institutions with, at times, conflict- ing philosophical approaches and objectives. The mission of a govern- ment agency communicator is to explain and promote the organization’s programs, activities and policy positions to various audiences, includ- ing the news media, bloggers/influencers, the business world, community and advocacy groups, charities, influential constituents, and the public at large. They must have the tools and talents necessary to shape the organization’s image while managing fruitful relationships with the news media.
- Government communications activities are essential to the well-being of a nation and are particularly necessary for informing the public about health and education, public safety, and how citizens can utilize govern- ment services. Generally speaking, the communicator’s goal is to share positive, helpful, and accurate stories about the organization’s use of tax- payers’ dollars while protecting its reputation and those of its leaders. And of course, positive and consistent media coverage directly results in positive public perceptions and support from key stakeholders of an organization. Meanwhile, the traditional news media is a for-profit industry comprised outlets that are driven by ratings, subscribers and click-throughs. Journalists are taught to “uncover the truth,” “get the scoop,” and uphold First Amendment freedoms. Naturally, the tricky dynamics between these two types of organizations can result in mild tension at best and public wars of words at worst. Yet each is critical to the functioning of the other.
- Agenda-setting has traditionally referred to the mass media’s ability to focus the public’s attention on certain events, ideas, and people – while dis- regarding others – and ultimately setting the public agenda (McCombs & Shaw, 1972). Notably, scholars have also expanded the definition of agenda-setting to include the influence of social media and other public figures such as politicians, government officials, thought leaders, satirists and even celebrities. By dedicating time or space to certain topics, those resources create public perception that the chosen topics are the most salient and important. For instance, we may notice that a broadcast news anchor spends their limited airtime primarily addressing one or a few public issues – and does not address other leading issues – despite the fact that there may have been few recent, newsworthy developments on the featured issues.
News outlets act as gatekeepers, determining which stories see the light of day.
Za: The Practice of Government Public Relations, Second Edition, Edited by Mordecai Lee, Grant Neeley, and Kendra Stewart